Volunteer Schedule

Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church 93rd Annual Barbecue Work Schedule – 2024
Saturday, September 28
8:00AM until Work Day at the Community House
In Case of BAD weather on 9-28 – Reschedule Date: TO BE ADVISED!
Thursday, October 17 1:00PM until Set up Cooking Equipment
Contact: Joe Oehler,    Bill Wood
EACH DAY Covered Dish Meals Contact:  Kim Tucker, Michel Lapalombella
Bring Food to Community House
Friday, October 18 No later than 10:30 daily
Monday, October 21 Please sign up to assist in helping get the meal ready
Tuesday, October 22  in circle meeting or church office.
 Our workers usually eat in “shifts” between 11:45 – 12:30 – depending on when they have a break.
Cook Meat Schedule
ONLY ONE DAY THIS YEAR 5:30AM each day Build fires for the coals
Friday, October 18  6:00AM each day Put meat on cookers
Stay or come to cook the meat
Contact:  Ronnie Oehler, Bill Wood, Randy Oehler,
Joe Oehler
11:00 AM each day Chop and season meat
until all is done Contact: Bill Wood, Kenneth Christenbury,
 BBQ by the Pound After Lunch “Pounding” the BBQ for sale
Contact:  Becky Wood, Clay Scholand
Slaw Schedule Contact:  Holly and Jason Oehler
Saturday, October 19 8:00AM until Prepare 2,000# slaw. Wash & grind vegetables,
Chop and grind cabbage, mix slaw ingredients
Brunswick Stew Schedule Contact: Rusty and Connie Wallace
Saturday, October 19 After slaw After the slaw has been made, many things
to do around the Community House to get
ready for Brunswick Stew and BBQ Week
Come whenever you can.  Lots to do!
Sunday, October 20 2:00PM until NEED EVERYONE to Wash buckets, set up for cooking
Monday, October 21 2:00AM until Cook meats for Brunswick Stew
 We will be here until 3PM 5:00AM until Prepare meats for Brunswick Stew
Tuesday, October 22 6:00AM until Start cooking Brunswick Stew
 We will be here until 6PM Contact: Rusty and Connie Wallace
7:30AM until Package Stew in containers
Contact:  Melanie Scholand
NOTE:  Monday and Tuesday are ALL DAY projects, come anytime!
BBQ Week Schedule Contact:  Charles Kimrey, Bill Wood
Wednesday, October 23 4:00 – 7:00PM Get ready for BBQ Day!
Walk UP Take Out Areas
Serving Lines, Parking Lot
Hoisting “the Pig”
Eat In Tables & Chairs
Thursday, October 24 5:00AM until The 93rd Annual BBQ
Come early or come late
8:15AM Group photo in front of Sandwich Stand
After 5:00PM Clean up and tear down
Contact:   Bill Wood
Charles Kimrey
Community House Phone Number:  704-547-0038
 Phone will be active on Wednesday afternoon and all day on Thursday, BBQ Day
Areas identified that NEED HELP:  Serving Lines, Eat In Tables, Take-out, Wash Station and Trash Clean up on BBQ Day!!

6 thoughts on “Volunteer Schedule

    • Hey Maury… the 2015 BBQ is coming up in just a few weeks…
      Thursday, October 22, 2015.
      Sorry you missed last year… hope you’ll be able to join us this October!

  1. I worked this BBQ as a child with Pete Tyndall family. Used to even come to the church. I think the family I knew there were ayler’s or untz’s. Something like that. Love to be part of that church family thing again. God is good.

  2. Grew up in Charlotte, looked forward to bbq and Brunswick stew every year. Wishing I could have a big bowl of stew this year, sadly I live in Texas now. Maybe I’ll make a visit one of these years!

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